Friday, April 9, 2010

Gas and a Laguna

I was in need of some better fuel consumption numbers and there is only one way I know of to get those. I stepped in to the garage as the door rolled up to get a late start on my day. Would you believe the beauty that spilled in to that garage just then. Sunshine and a breeze that not only carried the perfect blend of cool and warm but with the aroma of fresh cut grass and diesel (it is trash day). I warmed up the bike, strapped on a helmet and was off. I first had to make a quick DVD drop off, made so simple by my new tank bag (thank you Mom and Dad). In go the DVD's to Dave's mailbox and I'm off again, I felt a bit like the Postman in Austraila, only with a cooler bike!

This fellow is a neighbor of my aunt and uncle and he has a pretty good set of bollocks for such a young guy.

I was beginning to doubt that the bike would ever actually hit the reserve so I went ahead and filled up. My mileage increased about 1 mile per gallon to an average of 35.5. I hope to increase that on road trips with throttle control. The bag conceded easily allowing my fuel stop to be a pleasant one, and with my wallet and phone in it's pockets, a convienient one as well.

The Laguna GPS Tank Bag that my parents treated me to for my birthday is perhaps the best tank bag I have ever seen. I will be getting a 12v DC outlet wired up hopefully this week and look forward to using the GPS pouch!

Watch for riders, and ride safe.